40-Day Programme
A Life Well Lived, Your Masterpiece.
How Women can reclaim power over their lives from addictive thoughts and behaviors so they can reach their potential, lead a life of purpose, gain confidence and attract new opportunities.
A 40-day personalised programme to achieve sustained and transformative wellness!
Are you ready to let go of addictive thoughts or behaviours that no longer serve you and that are having negative consequences in your life? Are you surrendering to the notion that you cannot do this on your own and are seeking personal guidance on new ways of perceiving and being, in the world?
A Personalised Process
You may have already sought help but still feel ‘empty’ or ‘stuck’ within areas of your life.
For various reasons, this addictive thought pattern or behaviour that you have established, may be starting to take control over your life, disconnecting you from your true essence and sense of self.
The fear of never reclaiming your power or showing up for yourself and those you love in an authentic way is becoming too painful for you to ignore.
You worry that you will never reach your true potential or that you will continue to let yourself and your loved ones down.
My biggest fear was living a life of regret and never coming home to my true self.
Let me take you through a personalised process that shows you how to embody sustained, healthy and practical shifts into your life - RIGHT NOW!
"Bec this is huge for me, I just want to say that what you taught me and what I have learnt has helped me so much. So I thank you. You were right. Things take time and its not my fault and being kind to myself is key, my mindset has changed”
“Bec holds a wealth of knowledge and wisdom in SO many areas, especially with the body, mind and spirit.”
"I feel happy in my life and something has honestly changed inside of me I can't explain it but I have you to thank. I know I may have days where I may go backwards but how I feel now and how far I have come I never thought I would ever get here"