“A positive mind finds a way it can be done. A negative mind looks at all the ways it can’t be done.”
Rebecca Roe Consultant Qualifications/Experience
Providing advice, mentorship and support to community and business leaders, and organisations with specialist knowledge in fields of community development, social science, government and policy.
Rebecca also designs, advises on and sources funds for a variety of businesses.
10 years’ combined experience in government leadership and community specialist roles - including Pacific and Maori community development and initiatives.
4 years freelance consulting - supporting Leaders to achieve their strategic goals.
Bachelor of Commerce and Administration (BCA), Marketing.
Graduate Diploma in Social Policy.
Top 5 per cent of students in Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, & Honors Postgraduate Award, Waikato University.
Papers in Diploma in Law and Post Graduate Diploma in Social Policy.

Rebecca Roe Coach Qualifications/Experience
A personalised process that shows you how to embody Sustained, healthy and Practical shifts into your life - IMMEDIATELY.
Having studied and undertaken a multitude of modalities, theories and methods over the years, my process incorporates key aspects of the mind-body connection while increasing awareness of the causes related to addictive patterns. We focus on the self that you want to be and embody ‘change’ through the combination of western science and eastern yogic wisdom and practices.
Kundalini Yoga teacher – personal transformation, breathwork (pranayama), meditation. poses (asana), mantra and life skills
Yogic Science for Addictive Behaviors
Trauma-Informed Coaching
Trained in NVC techniques (Non-Violent Communication) and strength-based approaches to working with children and youth - (RAP) Response Ability Pathways Training.
4 years Mentor experience